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Alejandro Mur

Frontend UI Developer / CSS Architect


02 / 2024 - Present day

Front-end Developer @ Ophion

Front-end Developer. Stack Nextjs + Strapi

02 / 2021 - Present day

UI Developer @ Redradix

Web UI development and component libraries with React and Storybook. Lead UI Developer since 08 / 2022

09 / 2020 - 06 / 2021

Technical trainer @ Fictizia
Web developer trainer: Building interfaces and web animation with HTML5 & CSS

05 / 2018 - 07 / 2020

Front-end UI Developer / CSS architect @ Boream
User interface and design systems development based on Atomic design, using Pug or Handlebars with Fractal Technical CSS trainer in Campus Boream bootcamps

11 / 2016 - 05 / 2018

CSS architect / Lead UI Developer @ Babel Sistemas de Información
Babel Creativa Lead UI developer Coordination and supervision of tasks and colleagues, estimations, internal training, definition of team guidelines and methodology

11 / 2013 - 10 / 2016

UI Developer @ takeAway Interactive
Responsive web layout: semantic HTML, CSS (Sass) and JavaScript (jQuery and jQuery mobile) Creation of sites for BP, Nutriben, Sodexo, L’oreal, Stradivarius, Tagliatella

03 / 2013 - 11 / 2013

Junior Front-end Developer @ Tecknosfera
UI developer focused on responsive web design

10 / 2011 - 03 / 2013

UI Designer and Front-end Developer @ Appslab
Web / App designer (iOS / Android) and UI developer

06 / 2010 - Present day (Freelance)

Visual designer & Front-end developer @ Mamutlove
Conceptualization, design, and front-end developer

01 / 2006 - 09 / 2010

Graphic and web designer @ DsComponentes
Designer of electronics packaging, catalogs, printed material and flash banners



Angular 7 course @ Campus Boream


Angular Workshop @ Redradix School


HTML5 & CSS3 @ Imagina Formación


Creativity for advertising. Graphic and web design @ Trazos

2003 - 2009

Advertising and Public Relations @ URJC + LUMSA



I develop semantic and accessible HTML (A - AA) following W3C standards. I focus on CSS architecture (SASS) and I like to change the work methodology depending on the project (BEM, ITCSS, 7-1 or Utility Classes). Always Mobile First and with the challenge of improving performance in each project. I use JS (ES6) both to animate interfaces and to manipulate the DOM, React, React Native and Storybook.


Sass, PostCSS, Gulp, Yarn, Webpack, NPM, Pug, Handlebars, Fractal, Firebase, HUGO, Git

Design and photography

Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign. Photographic skills, editing and retouching



Science-fiction, philosophy and music